Quantum Revolution 2.0 - Welcome to the Fast and Furious New World

Huxley portrays an unsettling future scenario in his landmark book about a human civilization made up of several classes of genetically modified people. 

Everyone's social position is established at birth as a result of genetic modification; the hierarchy comprises five classes of people, ranging from alpha to epsilon. 

The ruling caste is made up of Alpha humans, while the Epsilons, who are solely employed for basic jobs, have their intellect artificially lowered to a minimum. 

Because he estimated it would take more than 600 years for such a situation to become technologically possible, Huxley puts his terrifying scenario in the year 2540. 

(the social acceptance of such a world did not appear as far-fetched in the 1930s). 

Modern genome editing techniques, however, make this scenario seem much more technologically plausible today, less than 90 years after the book was written. 

Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, is set 600 years in the future. 

However, less than a century after his publication, an execution of the situation he outlined seems technologically feasible. 

Many futuristic possibilities from the last century or so are no longer science fiction dreams. 

The scientific foundation for all of the technologies listed below is presently being developed in labs across the globe. 

Here is a sampling of quantum technology advancements: 


  • Nanobots will be employed as molecular robots and super-small tracking devices. 
  • They will travel about within the body, detecting and treating cancer cells, vascular plaques, and infections as early as possible. 

Mind and body enhancement: 

  • Nanoparticle-based artificial body components, such as an artificial nano retina, will be able to increase our sensory perceptions and physical skills. 
  • Our cognitive and communicative abilities will improve as a result of the use of brain chips. 

Artificial intelligence in new dimensions: 

  • "Quantum Machine Learning" will integrate quantum physics with cutting-edge machine-learning methods to create artificial intelligence that will outperform human cognitive skills in ways that humans will be unable to understand. 

Goods production: 

  • A "quantum 3D printer" will be capable of arranging individual atoms in virtually any manner imaginable—for example, from a handful of dust—at the press of a button or even by mind control. 
  • Matter may be transformed into whole new shapes and functions because to this precise atomic organization. 
  • Programmable, intelligent materials will pervade our daily lives in the same way that plastic cups and metal gadgets do now. 
  • You don't like your flat any longer? Could be a future advertising slogan. Within a day, we may program a new one for you. 

Economics: If matter can be manipulated almost without restriction—for example, by printing food or programming it to take on almost any properties—everyone will get what they want right away, and a lack or scarcity of goods and resources would have a significant impact on the economy and society as a whole. 

What would it be like to live in an economy where ownership is no longer a factor? 

What tasks would be required? 

Would everyone be socially equal as a result? 


Future quantum technologies, such as a sort of man-machine coalescence, would radically alter our perceptions of personal belongings and social status, health, and, ultimately, ourselves. 

All of the fascinating, promising, and terrifying potential of future quantum technologies (as well as all other technologies) pose a lot of questions:

  • Will we be able to regulate quantum computers' infinite processing power? 
  • What happens if an artificial intelligence emerges that outperforms humans across the board, not just in certain cognitive areas but in all? 
  • And do we really want nanobots to be able to communicate with our brains? 

Finding solutions to the following questions will be the primary challenge: 

  • How can technology development be planned in such a way that it does not overwhelm us? 
  • And how will we deal with the looming societal tensions? 

If the prospect of controlling the destiny of humanity and our civilization via Quantum Technology 2.0, Genetic Engineering, and AI is scary, the prospect of having this technical power and being unable to manage it is much worse. 

How we cope with ethical and social problems that emerge as a result of technological development will decide the future of our individual dignity and freedom, and eventually of humanity as a whole. 

Who, on the other hand, might be in charge of steering our knowledge and technological innovation in socially acceptable directions? 

~ Jai Krishna Ponnappan

You may also want to read more about Quantum Computing here.

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