Showing posts with label Malware. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malware. Show all posts

Malware Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence.

    Malware detection and analysis have been hot topics in cybersecurity research in recent years. 

    Indeed, the development of obfuscation methods such as packing, for example, need extra caution in order to discover new malware versions. 

    The standard detection techniques do not always provide tools for interpreting the data. 

    As a result, we propose a model based on the conversion of binary data into grayscale images, which achieves an 88 percent accuracy rate. 

    Furthermore, the proposed model has an accuracy of 85 percent in determining whether a sample is packed or encrypted. 

    It enables us to assess data and take relevant action. 

    Furthermore, by using attention mechanisms on detection models, we can determine whether parts of the files are suspicious. 

    This kind of tool should be highly valuable for data analysts since it compensates for the standard detection models' lack of interpretability and may assist to understand why certain harmful files go unnoticed. 


    The quantity of viruses and assaults has expanded dramatically in recent years. 

    The amount of online submissions to sandboxes like Virustotal or, among others, is an example of this phenomena. 

    Furthermore, owing to sophisticated evasion techniques, these infections are becoming increasingly difficult to detect. 

    While certain elements of polymorphic malware evolve, its functional aim stays the same. 

    Signature-based detection becomes outdated as a result of these advancements. 

    To handle both massive numbers and complicated malware, researchers and businesses have resorted to artificial intelligence methods. 

    We'll look at static analysis of malware for computational concerns like time and resources in this study. 

    Dynamic analysis produces excellent findings, but it causes resource issues for firms with thousands of suspicious files to evaluate since a sandbox might take two to three minutes per file. 

    State of the Art 

    Malware detection and analysis are burgeoning topics of research. 

    Several strategies have been presented in this area in recent years. 

    Signature-based detection is the most widely used detection approach [1,2]. 

    This approach involves storing signatures, which are sections of code from both benign and malicious files. 

    It involves comparing a suspicious file's signature to a signature database. 

    This approach has a flaw in that it requires opening the file first, establishing its type, and recording its signature. 

    Dynamic analysis is another popular and successful strategy. 

    It tries to execute suspicious files in sandbox settings (physical or virtual) [3]. 

    It permits analysts to examine the file's activity without danger. 

    This method is very useful for identifying fresh malware or malware that has been altered using obfuscation methods. 

    However, this approach may be a waste of time and money. 

    Furthermore, some malware detects virtual environments and does not execute in order to conceal its origin and activity. 

    Many techniques to static analysis connected with machine learning have been researched in recent works in order to get excellent results in malware detection and overcome signature-based detection and dynamic analysis shortcomings. 

    The goal of static analysis is to examine a file without executing it in order to determine its purpose and nature. 

    The most natural method is to extract features based on binary file bit statistics (entropy, distributions, etc.) and then do a binary classification using machine learning techniques (Random Forest, XGBoost, LightGBM for example). 

    The quality of detection models is influenced by the features used for training and the quantity of data available. 

    • Anderson et al. [4] provide Ember, a very nice dataset for training machine learning methods. 
    • Raff et al. [5] on the other hand, analyze bit sequences derived from binary files using Natural Language Processing methods. 

    Their MalConv approach produces excellent results but needs a significant amount of CPU effort to train. 

    Furthermore, padding and GAN-based evasion strategies have recently been demonstrated to be particularly sensitive to this strategy. 

    • To address these flaws, Fleshman et al. [6] created NonNegative MalConv, which lowers the evasion rate without sacrificing accuracy. 
    • Grayscale photos were used by Nataraj et al. [7] to categorize 25 malware types. 

    The authors transform binary information to pictures and extract significant characteristics using the GIST technique. 

    They used these features to train a K-NN and got a percentage of accuracy of 97.25 percent. 

    This approach, in addition to having a high classification rate, has the advantage of being more resistant to obfuscation, particularly packing, which is the most common obfuscation strategy. 

    Vu et al. [8] suggested the use of RGB (Red Green Blue) pictures for malware classification using their own transformation approach dubbed Hybrid Image Transformation in continuation of this study (HIT). 

    They store syntactic information in the green channel of an RGB picture, whereas entropy data is stored in the red and blue channels. 

    Given the growing interest in picture identification, as seen by ImageNet [9] and performance improvements [10] over the years, several writers suggested employing a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to classify malware using binary data transformed to grayscale images. 

    Rezende [11] used transfer learning on ResNet-50 to classify malware families and obtained a 98.62 percent accuracy rate. 

    Yakura et al. [12] employed the attention mechanism in conjunction with CNN to highlight spots in grayscale pictures that aid categorization. 

    They also link important portions of the code to its dismantled function. 

    Another major area in malware research is the development of detection models that are resistant to obfuscation tactics. 

    There is a lot of malware out there, but it has been updated to make it invisible. 

    Polymorphic [13] and metamorphic [14] malicious files, for example, have techniques that seem to change their code but not their behavior. 

    Malware developers may also change them manually. 

    • To disturb the detection model without modifying its functions, Kreuk et al. [15] insert bytes directly into the binary file. 
    • Another change is to include malware, which is one of the most prevalent ways to get beyond antivirus protection. 
    • Aghakhani et al. [16] provide an outline of the detection methods' limitations in detecting packed malware. 

    Research Outline

    The study's contributions may be summarized as follows: 

    • A genuine database containing complicated malware gathered in the firm is used to test different detection algorithms. 

    On our own dataset of binary files, we present detection algorithms that employ grayscale image and HIT preprocessing. 

    We compare the outcomes of our models to those of models trained using the Ember dataset and preprocessing (LGBM, XGBoost, DNN). 


    • We present models that account for the possibility of binary data being compressed or encrypted. 

    One goal of this strategy is to lower the false positive rate caused by certain models' assumption that updated files are always harmful. 

    Another goal is to equip malware experts with a tool that allows them to learn more about the nature of a suspicious file. 


    • To understand the outcomes of our image recognition systems, we use attention techniques. 

    This approach is used to extract the sections of the picture, and therefore the binary, that contributed the most to the classification's score. 

    This information may then be sent on to security experts to help them reverse engineer the virus more quickly. 

    Their feedback is then utilized to better understand and fix algorithm flaws. 

    This work is arranged as follows: 

    1. We describe our dataset and highlight its benefits as well as the various preprocessing techniques used. 
    2. We provide the various models trained using Ember or our own datasets next. The models are compared, and the findings and performances are discussed. 
    3. The next section is devoted to the analysis of changed samples and attention mechanisms, two techniques that might be useful to analysts. 
    4. Lastly we summarize the findings and brings the work to a close. 

    Dataset and Preprocessing. 

    Binaries Dataset Description.

    There are 22,835 benign and malicious Portable Executable (PE) files in our sample, including packed and encrypted binary files. 

    The figure above depicts the dataset's precise distribution. 

    The malware has been gathered in organizations and on sandboxes, and the innocuous files are produced from harvested Windows executables. 

    The key aspect of this dataset is that the virus is rather tough to detect. 

    As proof, certain sandboxes and antivirus applications failed to identify them. 

    Because our dataset comprises complicated and non-generic malware, overfitting should be avoided during model training. 

    Then utilize the Ember dataset, which contains 600,000 PE files, to train machine learning algorithms, and we evaluate the findings on our own dataset. 

    We divided the dataset into 80 percent training data, ten percent testing data, and ten percent validation data for the image-based algorithm. 

    This distribution is the best for keeping a big enough training sample and a complex enough testing sample. 

    Is the Malware tampered with? 

    The analysis of packed or encrypted executables, which we refer to as "modified" files in the remainder of the article, is a common challenge when doing static analysis. 

    Even though many innocuous executables are updated for industrial or intellectual property purposes, artificial intelligence algorithms will frequently label them as harmful. 

    This is acceptable considering that these operations would substantially affect the executable's entropy and bytes distribution. 

    Taking into account the changing nature of binary files during the training of detection models is one line of thinking for enhanced performance. 

    Use of software like ByteHist [17] before the analysis offers a sense of the nature of a file. 

    Indeed, ByteHist is a program that generates byte-usage histograms for a variety of files, with a concentration on binary executables in the PE format. 

    ByteHist shows us how bytes are distributed in an executable. 

    The more compressed the executable, the more uniform the distribution. 

    Figure above shows unpacked byte distributions of malware and benign code, as well as their UPX-transformed analogues. 

    As can be seen, UPX alters the byte distribution of binary files, especially in malware cases that have more alterations than the benign file. 

    It's also a popular packer, thus unpacking binary files made with UPX is simple. 

    Many malware, on the other hand, contains more complicated software, making analysis more challenging. 

    Malware Transformation Using Images. 

    Before we go into how to convert a binary to an image, let's go over why we use images. 

    First and foremost, when a binary is turned into an image, distinct portions of the binary may be plainly viewed, providing a first direction to an analyst as to where to search, as we shall see in the following section. 

    The malware writers may then tweak sections of their files or utilize polymorphism to change their signatures or create new versions, as we outlined in the beginning. 

    Images may record minor changes while maintaining the malware's overall structure. 

    We immediately transfer a static binary to an array of integers between 0 and 255. 

    As a result, each binary is translated into a one-dimensional array v [0, 255], which is then reshaped into a two-dimensional array and resized according to the [7] technique. 

    In other words, the width is governed by the file size. 

    The entire length of the one-dimensional array divided by the width gives the file's height. 

    If the width is not divisible by the file size, we rounded up the height and pad zeros. 

    This approach converts a binary picture to a grayscale image. 

    The main benefit of this method is that it is extremely quick. 

    It just takes a few minutes to process 20,000 binaries. 

    Vu et al. [8] discuss many approaches for converting a binary picture to an RGB image. 

    Green is the most sensitive to human eyesight and has the greatest coefficient value in picture grayscale conversion, thus their color encoding method is based on it. 

    They encode syntactic information into the green channel of an RGB picture using their HIT approach, while the red and blue channels collect entropy information. 

    As a result, clean files will seem to have more green pixels than malicious ones, which have greater entropy and red/blue values. 

    With picture recognition algorithms, this modification produces excellent results. 

    The only disadvantage is the time it takes to morph. 

    The HIT approach takes an average of 25 seconds to convert a binary into a picture. 

    The grayscale and HIT modifications of the binary file introduced before are shown in Figure below. 

    Static Methods for Detection.

    We examine and evaluate three techniques to malware detection based on static methods and machine learning algorithms in this section: 

    • First, we use the Ember dataset to train three models, each with its unique feature extraction strategy. 

    • We next propose a CNN and three hybrid models to identify malware utilizing these temporal grayscale pictures as input. 

    • Finally, we use the HIT approach to train another CNN on an RGB picture. 

    Binary Files Algorithms. 

    We will evaluate three methods for static analysis: 

    1. XGBoost, 
    2. LightGBM, 
    3. and a deep neural network (DNN). 

    XGBoost [18] is a well-known data-testing technique, but it might take a long time to run on a big dataset. 

    As a result, we compare it to LightBGM [19], which Ember uses in conjunction with their dataset. 

    Let's take a brief look at the LightGBM algorithm, which is currently relatively unknown. 

    It employs a revolutionary approach known as Gradient-based One-Side Sampling (GOSS) to filter out data instances in order to get a split value, while XGBoost use a pre-sorted algorithm and a histogram-based algorithm to determine the optimal split. 

    In this case, examples are observations. 

    • Faster training speed and greater efficiency as compared to other algorithms such as Random Forest or XGBoost. 

    • Improved accuracy using a more complicated tree (replaces continuous values with discrete bins, resulting in reduced memory consumption). 

    If we concentrate on it in this research, it is mostly because of its ability to manage large amounts of data. 

    When compared to XGBoost, it can handle huge datasets just as effectively and takes much less time to train. 

    To begin, we train the XGBoost and LightGBM algorithms on the Ember dataset and then put them to the test on our own data. 

    In addition, we train a DNN on the Ember learning dataset since this kind of model works well with a huge dataset with a lot of characteristics. 

    To compare models, we utilize the F1 score and the accuracy score. 

    The table below summarizes the findings. 

    The performances of LightGBM and DNN are relatively similar in this table, while XGBoost is less efficient (either in precision or computing time). 

    Grayscale Image Algorithms. 

    We convert our dataset into grayscale photos and use them to train CNN based on the work of Nataraj et al. [7]. 

    Three convolutional layers, a dense layer with a ReLU activation function, and a sigmoid function for binary scoring make up our CNN. 

    In addition, we propose hybrid models integrating CNN with LightGBM, RF, or Support Vector Machine, as inspired by [20]. (SVM). 

    To begin, we utilize CNN to minimize the number of dimensions, reducing each binary picture from 4,096 to 256 features. 

    The RF, LightGBM, and SVM models are then trained using these 256 additional features. 

    F1 and accuracy ratings are still utilized to compare models, as seen in the Table. 

    The hybrid model combining CNN and RF beats the four grayscale models, as can be observed, although the results are close overall. 

    Furthermore, the results are comparable to those of the LightGBM and DNN described in Sect. 3.1. 

    It's worth noting that the grayscale models are trained using just 19,400 binary data, compared to 600,000 binary files for the prior models. 

    In comparison to conventional models and preprocessing, our grayscale models remain reliable for malware detection with the grayscale transformation and a dataset thirty times smaller. 

    RGB Image Algorithms.

    We are now assessing our CNN utilizing RGB photos and HIT transformation. 

    F1 and accuracy scores on the test sample are shown in Table. 

    Even though the RGB model outperforms the others previously discussed, training on a local system using RGB photos takes a long time, while scoring on a single one is quick. 

    Because of the complexity of the HIT technique, converting binary to pictures takes a lengthy time, on average 25 seconds per sample, compared to less than one second for grayscale conversions. 

    To begin with, adding the time it takes to convert the 24,000 samples significantly lengthens the learning process. 

    Furthermore, the score is received in less than one second when predicting malware, but the time for transforming the binary into an image is added. 

    Given this, using HIT transformation instead of grayscale transformation in a corporate setting is pointless, which is why we will not focus on training additional models using HIT preprocessing. 

    Attention Mechanism and Modified Binary Analysis.

    Aside from obtaining the most accurate findings possible, the goal is to make them useable by an analyst. 

    To do so, we need to understand why our algorithms offer high or low ratings. 

    This not only helps us to better the learning process in the event of a mistake, but it also allows analysts to know where to look. 

    To make malware easier to comprehend and analyze, we offer two approaches: • The first technique is to utilize knowledge about the nature of binary files to train our algorithms. 

    We know whether the training set's binary files have been changed in particular. 

    The goal is to limit the number of false positives produced by these two obfuscation approaches while simultaneously providing additional information about the new suspicious files. 

    The use of an attention mechanism on model trains with grayscale images is the second approach. 

    To detect suspicious patterns, we can create a heatmap using the attention mechanism. 

    Furthermore, the heatmap aids in comprehending the malware detection model's results. 

    Binaries that have been modified. 

    We also give two models that are trained while taking into consideration the changed nature of the binary file in order to lower the false positive rate due to obfuscation. 

    Both models utilize grayscale photographs as their input. 

    1. The first model is a CNN that outputs information on the binary file's nature, whether it is malware or not, and whether it is obfuscated or not. 

    We now have double knowledge of the binary file's attributes thanks to a single CNN. 

    The F1 score for this model is 0.8924, and the accuracy score is 0.8852. 

    2. The second model is a three-CNN superposition. 

    The first is used to distinguish binary files with an accuracy of 85 percent based on whether they are obfuscated or not. 

    The two others are used to determine if a binary file is malicious or benign, and each model is trained on changed and unmodified binary files, respectively. 

    The key benefit of this approach is that each CNN may be retrained independently from the other two. 

    They also employ various architectures in order to improve the generalization of the data they use to train them. 

    This model has an F1 score of 0.8797 and an accuracy score of 0.8699. 

    As can be seen, the first model performs better than the second. 

    It can also tell whether a binary file has been edited with an accuracy rating of 84%. 

    This information might aid malware analysts in improving their knowledge. 

    This may explain why some innocuous files are mistakenly identified as malware. 

    Furthermore, if certain suspicious files are modified and the result of malware detection is ambiguous, it may encourage the use of sandboxes. 

    Results Interpretability and Most Important Bytes 

    We provide a strategy in this part that may assist analysts in interpreting the findings of detection models based on the conversion of binary data into grayscale pictures. 

    Depending on the relevant portions of the file, a grayscale picture representation of an executable has different texture [21]. 

    We can extract information from the binary using tools like PE file and observe the connection between the PE file and its grayscale visual representation. 

    The figure displays an executable converted to an image, the PE file's matching sections (left), and information about each texture (right). 

    The connections between the PE file and the grayscale picture might help an analyst rapidly see the binary file's regions of interest. 

    To proceed with the investigation, it will be important to determine which elements of the picture contributed to the malware detection algorithm's conclusions. 

    To achieve so, we use attenuation techniques, which consist of emphasizing the pixels that have the most impact on our algorithm's prediction score. 

    With our own CNN provided in Sect. 3.2, we employ GradCAM++ [22]. 

    The GradeCAM++ method retrieves the pixels that have the most effect on the model's conclusion, i.e. those that indicate whether the file is benign or malicious, from the CNN. 

    It produces a heatmap, which may be read as follows: the warmer the coloring, the more the picture region influences the CNN prediction. 

    Heatmaps of the four binaries described in Sect. 2.2 are shown in Figure below. 

    We see that the virus and its compressed form have different activation zones. 

    We can say the same thing about the good. 

    In addition, since the packed malware's byte distribution has been drastically modified, we find that more zones and pixels are lighted up than in the original infection. 

    This indicates that the model requires more data to make a decision. 

    On the other hand, this kind of representation could be useful in figuring out why a binary file has been misclassified. 

    Padding, for example, is a typical evasion tactic that involves adding byte sequences to a file to artificially expand its size and deceive the antivirus. 

    This kind of method is readily detectable via picture representation. 

    However, as shown in Figure above, the padding zone is considered a significant portion of the file in both situations. 

    The innocuous file is misclassified and branded as malware, even though the virus is successfully discovered. 

    As a result, padding is seen as a malevolent criterion. 

    This information might be used to improve the malware detection model's performance. 

    The activation map on binary file images appears to be a fun and useful tool for malware researchers. 

    To fully maximize the promise of this method, however, further research is required. 

    Indeed, we demonstrate the usage of heatmap for binary file packing and padding analysis, but there are other alternative obfuscation approaches. 

    We also concentrate on malware and benign pictures here, but an expansion of this technique will be to extract code straight from the binary file based on the hot zone of the associated heatmap. 

    Results and conclusion

    Let us begin by summarizing the findings before concluding this paper. 

    Indeed, CNN trained on RGB pictures using HIT produces superior results. 

    The transformation time, on the other hand, is much too crucial to give an effective approach for industrial deployment. 

    The DNN and LightGBM models then exhibit the Ember dataset's predicted efficacy. 

    Our models are marginally less efficient than theirs since they utilize grayscale photographs as input. 

    However, the findings are equivalent to a thirty-fold smaller training sample. 

    Finally, the two models were trained on grayscale photographs with information on whether the original binary file had been modified or not, indicating that this approach may be used to identify malware. 

    They also provide you more information about binary files than standard detection models. 

    The CNN algorithm, when combined with RF, LGBM, and SVM, has promising detection potential. 

    In future study, we'll concentrate on determining the capacity or limit of these models. 

    In this post, we've discussed many techniques of detecting static malware. 

    The processing time needed for dynamic malware analysis in a sandbox is a recurrent issue in many businesses. 

    However, we know that in certain cases, customized malware is the only option. 

    We make no claim to be able to replace this analysis; rather, we provide an overlay. 

    Our algorithms allow us to swiftly evaluate a vast volume of malware and decide whether ones are harmful or not, while also moderating the outcome based on whether the binary is updated or not. 

    This will enable us to do dynamic analysis solely on those binaries, saving time and resources. 

    Furthermore, analyzing the image's most essential pixels and regions might reveal valuable information to analysts. 

    By specifying where to hunt for the questionable binary, they may save time in the deeper investigation. 

    We will focus on attention processes in future research. 

    The goal is to link the regions of relevance, as determined by attention mechanisms, with the harmful code connected with them to aid analysts in their job. 

    We wish to apply reinforcement learning to understand and prevent malware evasion strategies, on the other hand.

    ~ Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    Find Jai on Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram

    You may also want to read and learn more Cyber Security Systems here.

    You may also want to read more about Artificial Intelligence here.

    References And Further Reading

    1. Sung, A.H., Xu, J., Chavez, P., Mukkamala, S.: Static analyzer of vicious executables. In: 20th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, pp. 326–334. IEEE (2004)

    2. Sathyanarayan, V.S., Kohli, P., Bruhadeshwar, B.: Signature generation and detection of malware families. In: Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, pp. 336–349. Springer (2008)

    3. Vasilescu, M., Gheorghe, L., Tapus, N.: Practical malware analysis based on sandboxing. In: Proceedings - RoEduNet IEEE International Conference, pp. 7–12 (2014)

    4. Anderson, H.S., Roth, P.: Ember: an open dataset for training static PE malware machine learning models. arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.04637 (2018)

    5. Raff, E., Barker, J., Sylvester, J., Brandon, R., Catanzaro, B., Nicholas, C.K.: Malware detection by eating a whole exe. arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.09435 (2017)

    6. Fleshman, W., Raff, E., Sylvester, J., Forsyth, S., McLean, M.: Non-negative networks against adversarial attacks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.06108 (2018)

    7. Nataraj, L., Karthikeyan, S., Jacob, G., Manjunath, B.S.: Malware images: visualization and automatic classification. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security, pp. 1–7 (2011)

    8. Vu, D.L., Nguyen, T.K., Nguyen, T.V., Nguyen, T.N., Massacci, F., Phung, P.H.: A convolutional transformation network for malware classification. In: 2019 6th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS), pp. 234–239. IEEE (2019)

    9. Deng, J., Dong, W., Socher, R., Li, L.J., Li, K., Fei-Fei, L.: Imagenet: a large-scale hierarchical image database. In: 2009 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 248–255. IEEE (2009)

    10. Alom, M.Z., et al.: The history began from alexnet: a comprehensive survey on deep learning approaches. arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.01164 (2018)

    11. Rezende, E., Ruppert, G., Carvalho, T., Ramos, F., De Geus, P.: Malicious software classification using transfer learning of resnet-50 deep neural network. In: 2017 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), pp. 1011–1014. IEEE (2017)

    12. Yakura, H., Shinozaki, S., Nishimura, R., Oyama, Y., Sakuma, J.: Malware analysis of imaged binary samples by convolutional neural network with attention mechanism. In: Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy, pp. 127–134 (2018)

    13. Sharma, A., Sahay, S.K.: Evolution and detection of polymorphic and metamorphic malwares: a survey. Int. J. Comput. Appl. 90(2), 7–11 (2014)

    14. Zhang, Qinghua, Reeves, Douglas S.: MetaAware: identifying metamorphic malware. In: Proceedings - Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, ACSAC, pp. 411–420 2007 (2008)

    15. Kreuk, F., Barak, A., Aviv-Reuven, S., Baruch, M., Pinkas, B., Keshet, J.: Adversarial examples on discrete sequences for beating whole-binary malware detection. arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.04528, pp. 490–510 (2018)

    16. Aghakhani, H.: When malware is packin’heat; limits of machine learning classifiers based on static analysis features. In: Network and Distributed Systems Security (NDSS) Symposium 2020 (2020)

    17. Christian Wojner. Bytehist.

    18. Chen, T., Guestrin, C.: Xgboost: a scalable tree boosting system. In: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pp. 785–794 (2016)

    19. Ke, G.: Lightgbm: a highly efficient gradient boosting decision tree. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol. 30, pp. 3146–3154 (2017)

    20. Xiao, Y., Xing, C., Zhang, T., Zhao, Z.: An intrusion detection model based on feature reduction and convolutional neural networks. IEEE Access 7, 42210–42219 (2019)

    21. Conti, G., et al.: A visual study of primitive binary fragment types. Black Hat USA, pp. 1–17 (2010)

    22. Chattopadhay, A., Sarkar, A., Howlader, P., Balasubramanian, V.N.: GradCAM++: generalized gradient-based visual explanations for deep convolutional networks. In: 2018 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), pp. 839–847. IEEE (2018)



    Malware effectively codifies the harmful behaviors that an attacker intends to carry out. 

    The Cyber Kill Chain Model may be used to analyze cyberattacks, as illustrated in Table. 

    It represents (iterations of) stages that are generally involved in a cyberattack. 

    Reconnaissance is the initial phase, in which an attacker locates or attracts possible targets. 

    This may be done by searching the Internet for susceptible machines (computers that execute network services like sendmail and have known vulnerabilities) or sending phishing emails to a group of users. 

    The next step is to acquire access to the targets, for example, by providing crafted input to trigger a vulnerability in the susceptible network service software, such as a buffer overflow, or by embedding malware in a web page to compromise a user's browser and take control of his machine. 

    This relates to the Cyber Kill Chain Model's Weaponization and Delivery (of exploits) stages. 

    Once the victim has been hacked, another piece of malware is often downloaded and installed; this corresponds to the Cyber Kill Chain Model's Installation (of malware) stage. 

    This malware is the attacker's main workhorse and can perform a variety of tasks, including: 

    confidentiality – it can steal valuable data, such as user authentication information and financial and health information; 

    integrity – it can inject false information (e.g., send spam and phish emails, create fraudulent clicks, etc.) or modify data; and 

    availability – it can send traffic as part of a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. 

    Because there are toolkits (e.g., a key-logger) freely available for carrying out many 'standard' activities (e.g., recording user passwords), and malware can be dynamically updated to include or activate new activities and take part in a longer or larger 'campaign' rather than just performing isolated, one-off actions, most modern malware performs a combination of these attack actions. 

    In the Cyber Kill Chain Model, these are the Actions on Objectives. 

    Botnets are a kind of malware that has been operating for a long time and is well-coordinated. 

    A botnet is an attacker-controlled network of bots (or hacked computers). 

    Each bot is infected with botnet malware, which connects with the botnet command-and-control (C&C) server on a regular basis to receive instructions on particular destructive operations or malware upgrades. 

    For example, a spamming botnet's C&C server sends each bot a spam template and a list of email addresses every day, resulting in the botnet sending a significant number of spam messages. 

    If the botnet is disrupted as a result of detection and response activities, such as the current C&C server being taken down, the botnet malware is already designed to contact an alternate server and may receive updates to switch to a peer-to-peer botnet. 

    Because there are numerous bots in various networks, botnets are often fairly loud, i.e., reasonably simple to identify. 

    Botnet C&C is an example of the Cyber Kill Chain Model's Command & Control stage. 

    Unlike botnets, malware used by so-called advanced persistent threats (APTs) usually targets a single organization rather than attempting large-scale assaults. 

    It may, for example, seek for a certain kind of controller in the organization to infect and cause it to deliver incorrect control signals, resulting in machine failures. 

    APT malware is usually designed to last a long time (thus the label "persistent"). 

    This means it not only gets frequent updates, but it also avoids discovery by reducing the volume and intensity of its activity (i.e., 'low and sluggish'), moving across the organization (i.e., 'lateral motions,' and hiding its traces. 

    Instead of sending all of the stolen data to a 'drop site' at once, it can send a small piece at a time and only when the server is already sending legitimate traffic; once it has finished stealing from one server, it moves to another (e.g., by exploiting trust relationships between the two) and removes logs and even patches the vulnerabilities in the first server. 

    When analyzing a cyberattack using the Cyber Kill Chain Model, we must look at each step's activities. 

    This necessitates familiarity with the assault strategies involved. 

    The ATT&CK Knowledge Base is a significant resource for analysts since it chronicles the most up-to-date assault strategies and procedures based on real-world observations. 

    The Eco-System Below Ground.

    Malware assaults in the early days were mostly annoyance attacks (such as defacing or spraying graffiti on a company's website). 

    Malware assaults have evolved into full-fledged cyberwars (e.g., attacks on vital facilities) and sophisticated crimes in recent years (e.g.,ransomware, fake-AntiVirus tools, etc.). 

    There has also evolved an underground eco-system to support the whole malware lifecycle, which includes creation, deployment, operations, and monetization. 

    There are individuals in this eco-system who specialize in certain aspects of the malware lifecycle, and by giving their services to others, they partake in the (money) benefits and rewards. 

    The quality of malware increases as a result of this specialization. 

    For example, an attacker may employ the top exploit researcher to create the section of the malware that compromises a susceptible machine remotely. 

    Specialization may also help to give believable denial or, at the very least, reduce culpability. 

    For example, a spammer merely 'rents' a botnet to transmit spam and is not responsible for infecting machines and converting them into bots; similarly, an exploit 'researcher' is simply experimenting and is not responsible for building the botnet as long as the malware was not released by him. 

    That is, although they are all responsible for malware-related harm, they individually share just a fraction of the overall burden.

    ~ Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    Find Jai on Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram

    You may also want to read and learn more Technology and Engineering here.

    You may also want to read and learn more Cyber Security Systems here.

    Cyber Security - Malware Analysis.


    Malware stands for 'malevolent software,' which refers to any program that engages in malicious behavior. Malware and malicious code are phrases that are used interchangeably. 

    Malware comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, as well as several categories, such as viruses, Trojans, worms, spyware, botnet malware, ransomware, and so on. 

    Many cyberattacks on the Internet are carried out through malware, including nation-state cyberwar, criminality, fraud, and scams. 

    Trojans, for example, may create a backdoor into a government network, allowing nation-state attackers to steal confidential data. Ransomware may encrypt data on a user's computer, rendering it inaccessible to the user, and only allowing the data to be decrypted when the user pays a fee. 

    Many Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) assaults, as well as spam and phishing, are carried out via botnet malware. 

    To better comprehend cyberattacks and build effective remedies, we need to investigate the mechanisms underlying malware generation and dissemination. 

    The complexity and durability of both cyber defense measures and malware technologies and operating models have grown as the political and financial stakes have risen. 

    For example, to evade malware detection systems, attackers now use obfuscation techniques like packing and polymorphism, as well as metamorphism , and they set up adaptive network infrastructures on the Internet to support malware updates, command-and-control, and other logistics like data transits. 

    In summary, malware research is growing more vital, but also more difficult. 

    We'll go through a malware taxonomy, as well as their usual destructive actions, eco-systems, and support infrastructure. 

    After that, we'll go over the tools and strategies for analyzing malware behavior, as well as network and host-based detection methods for detecting malware activity, as well as forensic analysis and attribution processes and techniques for responding to malware assaults. 


    Malware comes in a variety of forms . The creation of a taxonomy to systematically categorize the huge range of malware kinds is instructive. 

    This taxonomy defines the common properties of each form of malware and may therefore be used to drive the creation of countermeasures for an entire malware category (rather than a specific malware). 

    Our taxonomy may encompass several dimensions due to the different features of malware technology and attack activities that can be used to categorize and label malware. 

    We'll go through a handful of the more crucial ones here. It's worth noting that other, more specialized features, such as target CPU architecture or operating system, might also be employed. 

    The first axis of our taxonomy is whether malware is a stand-alone (or independent) program or only a set of instructions to be implanted in another program. 

    Once installed and launched on a compromised system, standalone malware is a full application that can function on its own. 

    Worms and botnet malware, for example, are examples of this sort of malware. 

    The second kind requires the execution of a host program, i.e., it must infect a program on a computer by injecting its instructions into the program, causing the malware instructions to be executed as well. 

    Document macro infections and malicious browser plug-ins, for example, are examples of this sort. 

    In general, standalone malware is simpler to detect since it is a separate application or running process that may be spotted by the operating system or security solutions. 

    The second factor to consider is whether malware is persistent or not. 

    The majority of malware is installed in persistent storage (usually a file system) as independent malware or as an infection of another software that already has a persistent storage presence. 

    Other malware is memory-resident, which means that once the computer is restarted or the infected running software terminates, it is gone from the system. 

    Many anti-virus programs that depend on file scanning are unable to identify memory-resident malware. 

    Such ephemeral malware also has the benefit of being simple to clean up (or cover-up) when it has completed its assault. 

    The traditional method for malware to become memory-resident is to delete the malicious program (which had previously been downloaded and installed) from the file system as soon as it has been run. 

    Newer methods use system administration and security technologies like PowerShell to directly inject malware into memory . 

    According to one report , meterpreter malware was downloaded and injected into memory using PowerShell instructions following an initial vulnerability that resulted in the unauthorized execution of PowerShell, and it gathered passwords on the compromised machine. 

    The third dimension, which only relates to persistent malware, classifies malware according to whatever tier of the system stack it is installed and runs on. 

    Firmware, boot-sector, operating system kernel, drivers and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), and user applications are the layers in increasing sequence. 

    Lower-layer malware is often more difficult to detect and remove, and it causes more damage since it has more power over the affected machine. 

    On the other hand, since there are more limits, such as a more constrained programming environment in terms of both the kinds and quantity of code permitted, it is also more difficult to build malware that can be implanted at a lower layer. 

    The fourth dimension is whether malware is initiated by a user activity or runs and spreads automatically. 

    When auto-spreading malware starts, it searches the Internet for additional susceptible devices, compromises them, and installs itself on them; the malware copies on these newly infected machines then do the same – run and propagate. 

    Auto-spreading malware may obviously propagate swiftly via the Internet, exponentially increasing the number of vulnerable systems. 

    User-activated malware, on the other hand, is installed on a computer when a user unintentionally downloads and runs it, such as by clicking on an attachment or URL in an email. 

    More crucially, while this virus can 'spread' by sending email with itself as an attachment to contacts in the user's address book, this spreading is not effective until the recipient of the email activates the malware. 

    The fifth dimension is whether malware is static, or only updated once, or constantly updated. 

    Most current malware is backed by infrastructure that allows a hacked computer to get a software update from a malware server, which results in the installation of a new version of the malware on the infected machine. 

    There are several advantages to upgrading malware from the attacker's perspective. 

    Updated malware, for example, may elude detection systems based on the features of previous malware samples. 

    The sixth factor is whether malware operates alone or as part of a larger network (i.e., a botnet). 

    While botnets are responsible for many assaults such as DDoS, spam, phishing, and other kinds of targeted attacks, standalone malware has grown more widespread. 

    That is, malware may be tailored to infect a target company and carry out destructive operations based on the company's assets that are valuable to the attacker. 

    To prevent detection, most current malware employs some type of obfuscation (and hence we do not explicitly include obfuscation in this taxonomy). 

    A virus creator may employ a variety of obfuscation methods and tools that are publicly accessible on the Internet. 

    Polymorphism, for example, may be exploited to evade detection approaches that rely on malware code 'signatures' or patterns. 

    That is, the malware's recognizable traits are altered to make each instance unique. 

    As a result, malware instances vary in appearance, yet they all perform the identical malicious functions. 

    Packing, which involves compressing and encrypting a portion of the infection, and rewriting recognizable bad instructions into other comparable instructions are two popular polymorphic malware tactics. 

    As an example, we may apply this taxonomy to a variety of malware kinds (or names). Take a look at the table below: 

    A virus, in particular, requires the execution of a host-program since it infects it by injecting a harmful code sequence into the program. 

    When the host software starts, the malicious code is executed, and it might hunt for other applications to infect in addition to completing the specified destructive operations. 

    A virus is usually persistent, residing in all layers of the system stack except the hardware. 

    It can propagate on its own because it can autonomously insert itself into applications. 

    If a virus can connect to a malware update server, it may also be dynamically updated. 

    Although the technique for mutation is built in the virus's own code, a polymorphic malware virus may change itself so that fresh copies seem different. 

    A virus isn't usually part of a coordinated network since, although it may infect a large number of computers, the viral code doesn't usually undertake coordinated actions. 

    Malicious browser plug-ins and extensions, scripts (e.g., JavaScript on a web page), and document macros are examples of malware that need a host application (e.g., macro viruses and PDF malware). 

    These sorts of malware may be disguised and constantly updated. 

    They can also create a coordinated network. 

    Any malware that is part of a coordinated network with a botnet architecture that offers command-and-control is referred to as botnet malware. 

    Malware updates and other logistical assistance are frequently provided via botnet infrastructure. 

    Botnet malware is persistent and frequently obfuscated, living in the kernel, driver, or application layers. 

    Some botnet malware, such as malicious browser plug-ins and extensions, need a host application and user activation to propagate (e.g., malicious JavaScript). 

    Other botnet malware is stand-alone and spreads automatically across the Internet by infecting weak machines or users. 

    Trojans, keyloggers, ransomware, click bots, spam bots, mobile malware, and other malware are examples. 

    PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) 

    A potentially undesirable program (PUP) is usually a piece of code that is downloaded as part of a valuable software. 

    When a user downloads the free edition of a mobile gaming app, for example, adware, a kind of PUP that shows ad banners on the game window, may be installed. 

    Adware often gathers user data (such as geo-location, time spent playing the game, friends, and so on) without the user's knowledge or agreement in order to provide more targeted adverts to the user and increase the advertising's efficacy. 

    Adware is classified as spyware in this scenario, which is described as an undesirable application that steals data about a computer and its users. 

    PUPs exist in a gray area because, although most download agreements offer information about these dubious behaviors, most users do not study the finer details and so do not comprehend what they are installing. 

    PUPs should be classified as malware from the standpoint of cybersecurity, and this is the approach used by many protection solutions. 

    The basic explanation is that a PUP has the ability to evolve into full-fledged malware; once installed, the user is completely dependent on the PUP operator. 

    For example, spyware included in a spellchecker browser extension might collect information about the user's preferred websites. 

    It may, however, collect user account information such as logins and passwords. 

    In this situation, the spyware has evolved from a PUP to a malware.

    ~ Jai Krishna Ponnappan

    Find Jai on Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram

    You may also want to read and learn more Technology and Engineering here.

    You may also want to read and learn more Cyber Security Systems here.

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