Showing posts with label Quantum SDK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quantum SDK. Show all posts

Open Source Quantum Computing Software SDK

Cambridge Quantum has released the newest edition of their hardware-agnostic quantum software development kit, TKET (pronounced "ticket"), as an open source project. 

Open-sourcing provides for more code openness, faster problem reporting, and more sophisticated integrations. 

Under the permissive Apache 2.0 license, members of the quantum software community will be free to contribute their own contributions or draw inspiration and build their own enhancements.

Extensions on the pytket-extensions GitHub repository:


Extension Documentation:

The move comes as the quantum computing industry shifts its focus away from the race to build high-qubit computers and toward the software that will be required to program these systems and set them to work on particular tasks. 

Christian Bauer, Theory Group Leader and PI of Quantum Computing for the Physics Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, identified software and the overall challenge of programming quantum computers as an issue that is currently preventing the sector from reaching its full potential during a presentation at Questex's Sensors Converge event last week. 

Companies like Classiq and Quantum Machines have lately brought this problem to light. 

In a statement, Cambridge Quantum stated, 

"Making all the source code accessible to the community enables faster integration, modification, and problem tracking from all users." 

“Under the permissive Apache 2.0 license, any members of the quantum software community will be free to make their own contributions and create their own modifications to the codebase.” 

TKET is also interoperable with other quantum languages such as Qiskit, Cirq, Q#, and others through extension modules, according to the firm. 

Cambridge seems to be on track to play a larger role in this development. 

Honeywell stated in June that it will combine its quantum computing business with Cambridge Quantum, a firm in which it already had a stake, and spend an additional $270 million to $300 million in the spin-off that would emerge. 

The transaction is anticipated to be completed in the fourth quarter. 

“We originally announced that TKET will be accessible on a ‘open-access' basis earlier this year, with a promise to become completely open-sourced by the end of 2021,” Cambridge Quantum CEO Ilyas Khan said in a statement on the open source availability. 

In the meanwhile, he added, the company's developer community has grown at a "amazing" rate. 

“Minimizing gate count and execution time are extremely essential in this Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) era,” said Ross Duncan, CQ's Head of Software. 

TKET blends high-level hardware-agnostic quantum circuit optimisation with target-specific compilation steps for the quantum device of choice. 

This allows users of quantum computing to travel easily across platforms while retaining excellent performance. 

Users should concentrate on creating quantum applications rather than changing code to accommodate the quirks of certain hardware. 

At the same time, we assist quantum computing hardware manufacturers in ensuring that their processors provide the highest possible performance.

About Cambridge Quantum Computing

Founded in 2014 and backed by some of the world’s leading quantum computing companies, CQC is a global leader in quantum software and quantum algorithms, enabling clients to achieve the most out of rapidly evolving quantum computing hardware. CQC has offices in the UK, USA and Japan

For more information, visit CQC at 

~ Jai Krishna Ponnappan

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