Quantum Revolution 2.0 - The Mighty Trio

Overall, three key technical fields will have a significant impact on our civilization in the near future: genetic engineering, artificial intelligence (AI), and quantum technology 2.0. 

Artificial intelligence and gene technology are generally considered as dangerous, and the debate over their usage and effect is in full gear. 

In reality, these technologies have the potential to transform not just our daily lives, but also humanity itself. 

They might, for example, be used to combine people and machines in the future to enhance our capacities by merging our cognitive skills with machine computing and physical performance. 

However, machine intelligence superior to ours in general cognitive skills, not only in mathematics, chess, or Go, is possible. 

However, quantum technologies 2.0 (such as quantum computers and nanomaterials) are now just a hazy blip on the radar of people concerned about the social effect of emerging technology. 

At the same time, the three technologies described before are inextricably linked. 

They will cross-fertilize each other, resulting in a considerably greater effect when combined. 

New quantum technologies, for example, have the potential to improve AI and genetic engineering significantly: 

• The processing power of quantum computers may help AI researchers enhance neural network optimization methods once again. 

• Nanomachines might reproduce themselves using a handbook provided by humans and enhance these instructions using genetic algorithms on their own. 

• Using smart nanobots as a genetic editing engine, we might actively alter our DNA to repair and enhance it indefinitely. 

The main issue is deciding who will be responsible for determining what constitutes an optimization.

Quantum Technology 2.0's effect has been grossly overestimated. 

Its contribution to the advancement of artificial intelligence, as well as its prospective use in genetic engineering, will be critical. 

The debate of the possible health risks of nanoparticles in human bodies is still the primary focus of emerging quantum technologies today. 

This odd rejection of quantum technology's potential isn't completely innocuous. 

This blind hole is exacerbated by another cognitive bias: we've become used to the notion that technological development is accelerating, but we underestimate its absolute pace. 

Aldous Huxley's renowned 1932 book Brave New World is an example of this. 

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Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is defined as the software representation of generalized human cognitive capacities that enables the ...